Please find Friday’s agenda here:


Please note that Cate Boerema will not be able to make our meeting, but Harry Kaplanian from EBSCO will be showing some wireframes related to the Codex.


If there is time, we will also begin a discussion of how Stacks can begin the development work in a way that I hope will have it expand upon the work done by Filip to date. Please see the document attached to the minutes. I am hoping that by organizing our work and documentation in Google Drive according to the apps and workflows already discussed with Filip, it will make the documentation already collected in our Drive folder more understandable to newcomers to the project, rather than starting over with sharing reports. I would like to suspend the assignment to collect reports until after we have this discussion, and can work on a more targeted ability to collect data.


Ann, I think we still need minutes from last week. For this week, I’m giving a pass to Maria on minute taking, since she is already working in a second language. Kathryn, will you be able to attend on Friday and take minutes? If not, the responsibility will fall to Eric.


Thanks everyone!




Kristin E. Martin

Electronic Resources Management Librarian

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637
