Hi folks,


Filip has been busy working on the overall design of the FOLIO product. I know we as a team have been experiencing some growing pains and confusion as we try to move from prototypes to development, I did hear from Filip late last week after our meeting, and he wrote:


In regards to RM SIG work, I am happy to assist to the extent necessary in the handover, and in general, since there isn't a very clear line between what I will be handling fully going forward (system functionality; workflows; tasks; notes; etc.) and what each new team will be handling (acquisition; orders; circulation; etc) — it all overlaps in some areas.


I have needed some time to devise and design a way to get all the UX work together, which is coming to a close this month; then I am planning to get back to working with SIGs and doing more practical design work while overseeing the scaling of teams, language and country specific feedback, etc. on the UX side of things.


So I am happy to resume some of the work we have been doing; and help Stacks and Qulto and EBSCO's designers do the same. I will be mostly occupied with putting the final touches on this UX site till the 23rd of this month, though — sorry if I have been a bit too quiet and if that has been a source of confusion to the SIG.


He is also working on documentation for how to take teams through the UX/UI development process to help with handoffs to developers. I am working on some documentation for us to help Stacks better leverage Filip’s work that we will discuss at a near future meeting.


If you haven’t seen on Discuss, Filip has updated the initial prototype with some changes and also created videos that break down the individual components. These include the Resource Management functionality we saw in April, Resource Access functionality, and general systems functionality. An easy way to see the new posts is to search for activity from Filip and look at the most recent posts: https://discuss.folio.org/u/filipjakobsen/activity


There is a lot of content here, so I encourage you to take some time to watch the videos, and post comments or questions about any of the updates.




Kristin E. Martin

Electronic Resources Management Librarian

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637

