Thanks for the comments, Ann-Marie. I’ve added your name to the list. I did update the document to reflect Kim comments. I think the line between selecting and acquisitions no only varies widely between different libraries, but even between different selectors at the same library. Some selectors like to do all of their own research when it comes to options; others leave that work up to acquisitions.


As for reporting, I believe that there is some thought of having a separate SIG to cover the reporting mechanism in general (I can certainly see that as a separate app), although I think functional groups should consider their reporting needs. I feel like the below ideas for reporting may still fall more under Resource Management versus selection, since they strike me as being part of financial management.




From: [] On Behalf Of Ann-Marie Breaux
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 11:47 PM
Subject: [folio-rm-t] RE: Resource Selection SIG


Hi Kristin,


I’m having trouble editing the doc, so here’s a couple comments in e-mail.


·         Definitely important to capture the idea of faculty requests, course reserve requirements, and user requests, in addition to more traditional library selectors.


·         That line between selecting and acquisitions (if there is one) can vary pretty widely from library to library. In some, all the purchase requests flow straight to acquisitions, with only a few (high price, ongoing financial commitments) being vetted before ordering. In others, library selectors not only pick the resources they want, but also the platform and user model, the funds, maybe even the vendor. Acquisitions becomes mainly data entry and financial management. In others, selectors say what they want, and acquisitions sorts out all the fund/vendor/location details after that. Whatever gets built for FOLIO will need to be flexible in that regard.


·         One other portion would be the reporting and accountability that relates to selection, e.g.  

o   helping selectors know what portion of their funds are expended/committed/still available

o   reports broken out by funding/subjects/formats/etc.

o   donor/grant/endowment-related reporting requirements

o   resource-related accreditation reporting requirements


·         And that may lead into some sort of assistance for library selectors who manage relationships with others outside the library

o   Departments/colleges, some of whom may have a key library coordinator within the faculty

o   Grant and research programs

o   New faculty and their research interests, and how that impacts library collection development policies/decision-making


·         And finally, I’m interested in being involved.





Ann-Marie Breaux

Vice President, Workflow Services Product Management

EBSCO Information Services

Phone: +1-678-445-5720

Mobile: +1-678-427-4875


From: [] On Behalf Of Kristin Martin
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2017 1:04 PM
Cc: 'Dracine Hodges' <>
Subject: [folio-rm-t] Resource Selection SIG


Hi folks,


At last week’s meeting, I said I would draft up a SIG proposal for a Selection SIG, which I have done:


I’m trying to keep the scope focused on the selection part, but there is obviously an overlap with acquisitions. I want to share this description and place the idea of the SIG on the agenda for the Product Council meeting on Thursday. Could you please review by Thursday morning and add any comments regarding the proposal to the document? Also, if you know you want to be on this SIG, or you know someone else who you think wants to be one this SIG, please add names as interested participants.






Kristin E. Martin

Electronic Resources Management Librarian

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637



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