I will not have new sketches, but would like to go through the sketches I presented Friday with a focus not on my presenting them, but rather on thoughts and feedback from the group. This will only make sense with the time limitation if people have either attended Friday or had a look at the video from Friday, before we meet.

Filip Jakobsen
UX & Interaction Designer
+45 31 24 25 26

Den 22. feb. 2017 kl. 04.10 skrev Kristin Martin <kmarti@uchicago.edu>:



I’m working on the agenda for Friday: https://wiki.folio.org/display/RM/2017-02-24+RM+notes

I’d like to discuss minute taking and rotation of duties (thanks to Kristen for doing them for so long!)

I’d also like to discuss the April 12 forum mentioned over email by Eric, so we can get at least some preliminary information back to the Forum Facilitators.

Filip, will you have more sketches to share on Friday? Is there further discussion that people would like to have after review of last week’s sketches?  I’ve got that listed tentatively as an agenda item.





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