

I hope everyone had a pleasant and relaxing break. As a reminder, we will be meeting this Friday, Jan. 6 at 7:30 AM. At this point, we don’t have a better meeting option for the entire RM SIG, so we will maintain our Friday mornings at 8:30 ET time.


The agenda for the meeting is here:*2017-01-06+RM+Agenda


The meeting notes for the past meeting are here:*2016-12-16+RM+Notes


As a reminder, the following people have assignments:

·         Financial Management workflow documentation: Scott (Chicago), Kristen W. (NSCU), Kim (MIT)

·         One-time purchase documentation: Bill (Duke), Kristin & Susan (Chicago), John (TAMU)

·         Renewals workflow review: Virginia (Duke), Martina (HBZ)


Bill at Duke emailed me this morning that he will have to miss this week’s meeting and not be able to complete his assignment because of a death in the family. We do already have a one-time purchase workflow for an e-book collection from Eric and an overview of GOBI workflows in general. Would someone else be able to write up their one-time purchase workflow? At Chicago, we’ll be doing a monographic purchase workflow for a specialty item.


When you have finished your examples, you can put them in the appropriate Google Folder: (as a reminder, this folder is locked down to our group).


Thank you,




Kristin E. Martin

Electronic Resources Management Librarian

The University of Chicago Library

1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170

Chicago, IL 60637
