Hi folks,
I mentioned at the end of Friday’s meeting that we are looking for an individual from the Resource Management SIG to serve on the Forum Facilitator’s Team. The Team is one of the earliest groups set up with the start of the FOLIO project,
and the work is well-documented on the wiki:
https://wiki.folio.org/display/FACILITATORS/Forum+Facilitators. I’ve been a member since its inception, but need to step down now as I’ve taken on responsibility to be the convener for the RM SIG.
The work of the Team is to put on public FOLIOForums roughly every two weeks (a little less, given scheduling conflicts and holidays). The public forums run from 11-12:30 Eastern Time about every other Wednesday. Members of the Team take
turns hosting the forum (basically setting up the webex and introducing the speakers) and serving as background support for the speakers. All bring ideas to the table and help publicize the forum. There is a weekly meeting on Wednesdays at 3 PM Eastern Time.
The Team does realize this time would prevent European partners from participating, so you want to be on the team and this time doesn’t work, the Team is willing to find a better time to work for all time zones. Members are expected to stay for at least one
year. There is a document on the wiki that outlines the responsibilities:
https://wiki.folio.org/display/FACILITATORS/Membership. I can speak to my own experience and say that things are running smoothly now we have documentation in place that outline the host responsibilities and provide information for setting up Webex, and
so forth. The main work is in generating ideas, which is why we want broad membership, and in running the FOLIOForums. These forums have been going smoothly, but we do generally want a host plus two back-up support people to monitor questions and help the
speakers. In terms of time, I’d anticipate an average of 2 hours a week, maybe a little more in a week when you are hosting a forum, maybe a little less when you not.
One side benefit has been that it’s a great way to keep abreast of all of the activities of the project and get a big picture of the action. Another side benefit is that it’s a great team of people to work with.
If you think you want to take this on, please email me directly by December 18.