I used a free product called Jing (https://www.techsmith.com/jing.html) to record and show to Filip my interactions with the Cornell system for managing electronic resources requests. Our system is based on bug tracking software called Mantis BT (http://www.mantisbt.org/) though it’s now a bit out of date. There are of course fields that aren’t relevant to us, but over the years the system has been modified to be useful for managing electronic resources requests.


Jing allows one to create screen recordings, with audio, of up to 5 minutes long, and then share them through a ScreenCast link. The makers of Jing also make Camtasia, SnagIt, and other similar tools; I learned about this resource when asking my library’s IT department for something that might do screen recordings.

I don’t know if it was useful to Filip, but if so, others may also find it useful for recording in words and images, rather than text, examples of the work we do. I hope that the initial video I created will generate questions that will help Filip and others best understand our workflows, and I hope others might find it a useful tool, as well.


Peter McC


Peter McCracken

Electronic Resources Librarian

Cornell University


(607) 255-1892