Hi folks,


For those of you planning to use the Inventory app, you may want to weigh in. It’s basically taking elements from the instance record (you can generally think of the fields in a MARC record) and asking you to group them into logical groupings and then what you consider to be the most important for display.




Kristin E. Martin

Director of Technical Services

The University of Chicago Library




From: Khalilah Gambrell [mailto:KGambrell@EBSCO.COM]
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 2:38 PM
To: Deborah Hamilton Hamrick <Deborah.Hamrick@Colorado.EDU>; Michael Williamson <Michael.D.Williamson@Colorado.EDU>; Abby Baines <abaines@smith.edu>; Elizabeth German <egerman@tamu.edu>; James Knight <jknight@EBSCO.COM>; Jane Stephens <jstephens@library.tamu.edu>; Julian Ladisch <julian.ladisch@gbv.de>; Kathy Zadrozny <kzadrozny@uchicago.edu>; Kevin Kidwell <kek245@cornell.edu>; Kristin Martin <kmarti@uchicago.edu>; Melissa Wallace <mhk33@cornell.edu>; Paul D. Moeller <Paul.Moeller@Colorado.EDU>; Peter Murray <peter@indexdata.com>; Nicole Trujillo <Nicole.Trujillo@Colorado.EDU>; Laura E Wright <Laura.Wright@Colorado.EDU>; Darcy A. Branchini <dad284@cornell.edu>
Cc: Charlotte Whitt <charlotte@indexdata.com>; filip@samhaeng.com
Subject: FOLIO - Inventory App's Instance Record Card Sorting Test


Good day all,


As I mentioned at today's power hour, we are conducting a deeper dive on the Inventory App's instance record. I have setup a card sorting test to help us understand how users want to organize the instance record. Please share this test with catalog and circulation staff members or any library staff member that will use FOLIO to access an instance/title record.


Card Sorting Test: https://j774s4f7.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/57n5l484


The activity shouldn't take longer than 15 to 20 minutes to complete.


Testing concludes on Friday, June 21st. Once testing concludes I will share findings with Accessibility SIG, MM SIG, and User Design to determine next steps.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



