Hi folks,


It turns out Dennis is out of town tomorrow, so we don’t have agenda items from Acquisitions.


I did attend the Product Council meeting today and we spent awhile discussing the FOLIO in-person meeting, but we don’t have any decisions made yet. I am hoping for more concrete information next week.


Does anyone from the group have any other agenda items or strong desire to meet to discuss the message below? If not, I will cancel the meeting.






From: folio-rm-t@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org [mailto:folio-rm-t@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Kristin Martin
Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2019 8:16 AM
To: folio-rm-t@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Subject: [folio-rm-t] rearrangement of Resource Management's wiki space and working groups




I have made some adjustments to our Resource Management wiki space that I wanted to make you all aware of:


First, I have been having conversations with different product owners about the statuses of the Resource Management subgroups/working groups. We have had multiple working groups over time but some of these groups have gone dormant or finished their work. I have created a new page with an overview of our active working groups: https://wiki.folio.org/display/RM/Active+Resource+Management+Groups+and+Teams+-+February+2019


Currently this page lists the Acquisitions Small Group, ERM Subgroup, and App Interaction Group as our active groups. I have provided a brief (and hopefully accurate description) of them but I would encourage everyone to take a look.


Second, I rearranged a number of older pages and inactive groups under a new page, “Inactive Groups and older pages.” Early on in the project, we created a number of wiki pages with documentation that Filip used to develop our first prototypes, but since then, these pages have largely been dormant. Additionally, we have had a number of subgroups through the past two years that are no longer meeting regularly. I have placed them here as inactive. Some of them may start up again if development picks up in that area, but for now the subgroup is not meeting, so it seemed appropriate to place them here.


I am hoping that this information will be helpful for newer members to navigate the wiki and get a sense of where we are in our work.


I am still working on the agenda for tomorrow, but I would be happy to cover this at the meeting and take any questions.




Kristin E. Martin

Director of Technical Services

The University of Chicago Library




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