Thanks Johann
Can you say more about your requirements in relation to Free/Open Access titles?
Is this just for the purposes of enabling discovery (activate in link resolver, add to catalogue) or are there other activities or functions required for this content?
> On 16 May 2018, at 09:04, Rolschewski, Johann <> wrote:
> Hi Owen,
>> * The idea of a 5 year agreement for the Freedom collection being a
>> ‘Subscription’ in that at the end of the 5 year period you expect to negotiate a
>> new deal with the same vendor for substantially the same content
>> * The idea of a 5 year agreement for the Freedom collection being a
>> ‘Subscription’ in that there are annual payments made over the course of the
>> deal, and potentially the option to terminate the agreement early
>> * The idea of a set of journals which are the ‘subscriptions’ in that this subset of
>> content (often as part of a larger set of content you get as a result of your
>> subscriptions) is what your payment is set against
>> ...
>> As a starting point - is this summary a good one - does it make sense, and do
>> people agree that these are overlapping uses of ‘subscription’. If not, what is
>> wrong here?
>> Also are there other aspects of ‘subscription’ that I’ve missed
> Thanks for your summary. Just one question: How would I "subscribe" to Free/Open Access resources? There will be no contract or payment and no subscription period.
> Johann