Hi folks,

The minutes from yesterday's call are available https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S9CtUHhKIhVWxQiB6p5-9dSfJCH7Pj-LhP_8SUN1_Wk. As ever, please feel free to tweak where needed.

All best,

On 15 June 2018 at 09:18, Gill Osguthorpe <gill.osguthorpe@k-int.com> wrote:
Hi all,

The agenda for next Wednesday's meeting is available:

We plan to discuss the second set of wireframes, which are for the Agreement listing and preview pages.

In the agenda you'll find the wireframes and a number of questions which we hope you'll have time to have a think about before the call. Any feedback you have is very welcome. Speak next week.

All best,

Gill Osguthorpe
Knowledge Integration Ltd
35 Paradise Street, Sheffield, S3 8PZ
T: 0114 273 8271
W: https://www.k-int.com