Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who joined the call yesterday, it was a really useful meeting and surfaced some very interesting use cases for us to think about. 

Our combined notes have been added to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oUBrOZ041xdMbXj4k1kv8r-L655c6cw1r1VRmOl7B0I/edit. If you would like any amendments making please feel free to either make them directly in the document if you have access, or send them across to me.

Many thanks,

Gill Osguthorpe
Knowledge Integration Ltd
35 Paradise Street, Sheffield, S3 8PZ
T: 0114 273 8271
W: https://www.k-int.com

On 9 April 2018 at 16:49, Kemner-Heek, Kirstin <Kirstin.Kemner@gbv.de> wrote:

Hi all,


please find the agenda for the ERM subgroup meeting of April 11th 2018 here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oUBrOZ041xdMbXj4k1kv8r-L655c6cw1r1VRmOl7B0I/edit


You received this as an email already before Easter from Owen. Please make sure to work yourself and/or your team through the homework. You can easily add a document to the Google Folder or just email me and I put it in.






Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)

Lokale Bibliothekssysteme

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1

37073 Göttingen

Tel. : + 49 551 / 39 – 33840

E-Mail: kirstin.kemner@gbv.de

Homepage: http://www.gbv.de   



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