Hi all,


In addition to last week’s meeting here is some homework on searching licenses by terms: https://docs.google.com/document/d/144lHJ1oK_jR7Cl9KZfZa4GGSXyncWPdqrfEZc7O0dYU/edit. It would be great if you can find the time to take a look.

Further agenda items for our meeting on Feb 19th may be added early next week.


Have a good week!

Martina & Martina



Martina Schildt

Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)

Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1

37073 Goettingen

Tel. : + 49 551 / 39 – 31203

Mail: Martina.Schildt@gbv.de

Homepage: http://www.gbv.de