Hi all,


here is the agenda for the next ERM Subgroup meeting April 3rd:



If possible please take a look at the slide deck linked from agenda item no. 2 "Interface (administration platform) options": https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ql35xfnnRGIdHRobB6pjSbv4t_L9z1qs_GJw8btN2J8



Looking forward speaking to you

Martina & Martina


Martina Schildt

Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)

Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1

37073 Goettingen

Tel. : + 49 551 / 39 – 31203

Mail: Martina.Schildt@gbv.de

Homepage: http://www.gbv.de