Re: Daily digest for
Christian Matz 27 Jan 2020 04:59 EST
Hello Holly,
> I need to hear from the sites implementing in 2020, but would also
> like to hear from the other sites.
We're one from the other sites and IMO it's very interesting to define what a
patron block really is and where it starts :-)
Marburg University library has general patron blocks as well as special
patron blocks (depends on patron group, type of material, condition of
material or location). Altogether we have 200 mechanisms of patron blocking
working. Here're (in short) the main mechanisms for a patron block:
1. reference holdings are blocked for loan by patrons with the
exception of these patron groups:
- staff of the university library -
- departments within the university library (bookbindery ...) -
- handicapped persons -
2. material types like maps (cartography) and software are mostly blocked for
loan outside the library but can be loaned for several weeks for use within
the library (by most patron groups)
3. all material printed before 1900 is blocked for loan outside the library but
can be loaned several weeks for use within the library - with the exception
of the patron groups (who have the possibility of a normal loan):
- staff of the university library -
- departments within the university library (for example the bookbindery) -
- ILL -
- scientific staff -
4. A debt >6 Euros will generate a general patron block
5. The third (last) reminder will generate a patron block (can be seen as
part of 4 but with the exception of some patron groups who pay nothing for
a reminder)
6. An expired reader's pass will generate a patron block
Every patron block can be overwritten by staff at the service point/counter.
We're generally more into blocking books, maps and so on as you can see
and not blocking patrons.
At the moment we have 5633 patron blocks because the membership is expired
(aka the reader's pass is expired)
285 patron blocks because the debt >6 Euros
So generally a few thousand are active every day
With kind regards,
Christian Matz
| Christian Matz (CM) |
| Universitätsbibliothek/Abteilung Digitale Dienste |
| Deutschhausstrasse 9, Raum D227 |
| D-35039 Marburg |
| E-Mail: |
| Tel.: (+49)06421/28-25350 - Fax: (+49)06421/28-26506 |
| |
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you could do than to close the curtains, settle in your
favourite armchair and spin a few records ..."
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