One issue that I'm following up on related to Loan Policies, is the requirement for FOLIO to allow staff to set an offset time under the following conditions:

 - Loanable = Y

 - Closed library due date management = Move to the beginning of the next open day

The requirement in the Loan Policy Metadata file is for an Opening Time Offset, which would allow staff to input a value of hours or minutes.

Before we go deeper into implementation issues, I wanted to make sure that the requirement is for this be set at the Policy level, as opposed to setting a consistent Opening Time Offset, say, per service location.

I assume that the answer is yes - that there are individual policies that will require different opening time offsets, but just wanted to confirm that assumption.

If this is a topic better addressed in the RA-SIG meeting, please let me know and I'll try to get it on the calendar.  Apologies in advance if this is a topic already covered prior to my coming on board.

Thank you.
