P.S. Please use COMMENTS column (all the way on the right) to ask questions, express confusion, etc.  J 


From: Holly L. Mistlebauer
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 5:00 PM
To: folio-ra@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Subject: Patron Blocks Spreadsheet


Hi RA SIG!  I have started a spreadsheet of all the reasons to block a patron at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1elzEpXHLF4oNR2tESRZEuPm4tt7spI1IU_UCYBDZPKE/edit?usp=sharing  Anyone with this link is able to edit the spreadsheet.  There are columns to indicate what actually gets blocked (everything or just certain things) and how the block expires.  PLEASE NOTE:  In the final product the institution will be able to decide what activities gets blocked.  (I want to go through the exercise of deciding so that I understand the real purpose of each block and what options need to be available. I took my best guess to provide something for you to react to.)  Please take a look to make sure that the blocks your institution needs are there—if any are missing, please add them to the bottom of the spreadsheet.  In the column titled “WHO NEEDS?” enter your institution’s abbreviated name.  Please keep in mind that we are looking for what your institution would like to do rather than what you are limited to due to your current ILS.  Thanks much!

