Hi guys,

Thanks for filling out the spreadsheet.

There is actually nothing in the matrix you guys filled out that contradicts the concept we all agreed on a few meetings back. Accidentally one of the headers says Loan Rule instead of Loan Type, and so the example from Duke would be resolved by the Priorities Window.

The peach colored rows from Lehigh I am not sure I understand - could someone elaborate on those?

Also, Wendy, you mentioned something in our last meeting about wanting to set up a loan rule for a small collection in the library that overrides another rule set up for its parent collection - is that reflected in this table? Or can you elaborate on that example in a reply on email?

I am thinking Cate should take over the entire meeting tomorrow and I will spend some time documenting the concept we've discussed as well as try to reach out to some different people one-on-one for detailed discussion of different challenges with the concept. 

Thank you,

Filip Jakobsen
UX & Interaction Designer
+45 31 24 25 26

Den 12. apr. 2017 kl. 17.43 skrev Andrea Loigman <andrea.loigman@duke.edu>:



Filip REALLY needs our input to help resolve the confusion that we were having about loan rules and how they should work.  PLEASE put in an example or two so that he has time to review them before we meet tomorrow

So - a reminder to fill out the google doc at: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1Er2qFDHiYiw68vEgdJF3gwg-2Dg-5FUu7odTHotTzFCTH0I_edit&d=DwMCaQ&c=imBPVzF25OnBgGmVOlcsiEgHoG1i6YHLR0Sj_gZ4adc&r=rYj3qdYi4__44GzovRfPybpo1FHL6IToHX1oj3zP2R4&m=uEZan8RmoISngtQw6YsmlHuUXMHxMU9R7XXfUrowWu0&s=84f2gWTkQuoM7RzZJuvSYDIR2XEU5FmbGIu50hldYt0&e=



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