Hi All,


Filip has asked us to self-identify as small groups of experts to advise on next steps in functionality and help him work through some specific areas of development.  Once we've identified the folks with interests in these areas we'll set up times for each group to Skype / discuss / webex with Filip.  Other topics will be added as questions need answers. In most cases, sub-area groups will only need to meet once.

We want to get these conversations started as quickly as possible.  The sooner we can provide Filip and Index Data with the information they need, the more likely it is that our needs will be embedded in the product.  We are likely to use next week’s meeting slot for one of these conversations.

I’ve added a new sub-page to the Wiki at:  https://wiki.folio.org/display/RA/Sub-area+Advisory+Groups

Please enter your name in your area(s) of interest in the chart so I can get going on scheduling.    If there aren't enough volunteers I'll assign folks based on their experience and expertise info. 






Andrea Loigman

Head, Access and Delivery Services     

Duke University Libraries


