Dear Bjorn,


Hi.  I am the Product Owner for Patron Blocks.  I just went through the presentation you gave at yesterday’s RA SIG meeting.  Chalmers has asked for a table of Manual Patron Block Descriptions as well.  They want this for the purpose of saving time—not having to enter the same information over and over again. I have created a JIRA feature for this request at  I have also created a separate JIRA feature for the new block actions at  Please feel free to add/correct information provided, make yourself a “Watcher”, etc.  We won’t be able to address any new features until after the MVP work is completed. 


I am not sure that I understand the question you asked at the end of your presentation.  The migration scripts will need to handle the one-time migration of patrons with blocks from the old ILS to FOLIO.   I am not aware of a situation where a library that is running FOLIO needs to load patron blocks when they do their import of patrons every semester/quarter.  Is this what you need to do?  Where are the patron blocks being created?


Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.


Best regards,


P.S. to RA SIG members:  Please feel free to provide additional information in the JIRA features and to make yourself a “Watcher.” No changes will be made without SIG approval. Thanks!