We are going through the misc features on the `cap-MVP` plan, and
now when we're getting closer to the feature freeze of Q4 2019,
then we are reviewing also the institutions ranking of features
being at risk for not being completed this quarter.
One of these features is: UXPROD-2002
- Implement Normalized Call Number for Sorting.
This feature is only ranked by three libraries:
* Chalmers (Aut 2019)- NOT NEEDED
* Cornell (Sum 2020) - go-live
* GBV (Jan 2020): can wait - up to a quater after go-live
The total calculated rank by libraries at this point is: 15. The Cap Plan Rank is: 120.5
Status of the work is: lots of work has been done to get the
requirements ready and planning of how to get Tod Olson
(uChicago's) code integrated with FOLIO. The feature is dev-ready
and may be picked up soon, but when looking at the calculated rank
by the libraries, then the feature stick out, as not being that
highly ranked.
The low rank can be due to, that this feature is one of the
latest features, created back in August 2019.
If you could ask your institutions to take a look at this
feature, and rank it, that would help us with the planning of Q1
2020 dev work.
Thanks much.
Best Cate, Laura and Charlotte
Charlotte 🍋 Whitt
Senior Analyst. Product Owner
Index Data LLC