P.S. As I mentioned in the RA SIG meeting, I won’t be on this sub-group.  I don’t have time to work ahead on features. 


From: Holly L. Mistlebauer
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2019 1:25 PM
To: folio-ra@ole-lists.openlibraryfoundation.org
Cc: Sharon Beltaine (slm5@cornell.edu) <slm5@cornell.edu>
Subject: Balance cash drawer for fees/fines sub-group...


Dear RA SIG,


We have discussed the formation of a sub-group to addressed the requirement for UXPROD-845 (Fees/Fines in-app report: Balance cash drawer for fees/fines).  This feature actually covers the following Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet reports…


ID437: Cash Drawer Reconciliation Report (Contact is Ed Merkel)

ID438: Financial Transactions Detail Report (Contact is Ed Merkel)

ID440: Fine Fee Reconciliation (Contacts are  Joanne Leary & Ed Merkel)

ID498: Fee Fine Reconciliation Accounting Office Summary Report (Contact is Susan Bristol at Cornell, but Joanne can probably coordinate)

ID483 (partially covered):  Monies paid/collected for fines/fees, privileges, purchases, or other reasons by payment method, date range, location, or operator (Contact is David Larson)


The people who have identified themselves as contacts should be informed about the new sub-group that will be covering a report they are the contact for, and invited to participate in the sub-group. We have already discussed Ed and Joanne joining the sub-group.  Perhaps Joanne can represent Susan and Ed can represent David?  Lehigh has also expressed an interest in several of these reports, but did not list a contact on the Reporting SIG Master Spreadsheet.


