Hi, all,
Harry indicated that there was a desire to identify a new meeting time (earlier in the week) for the Consortia SIG at the last meeting. To that end, I've put together a Doodle Poll to help identify a new time: http://doodle.com/poll/4yqghrzv2tmywcfr. Please respond by end of the day on Wednesday, June 28. We'll stick with our Friday meeting time until we've had a chance to identify/announce a new time (probably through the end of June).

I'll also look into posting the poll on Slack, Discuss, etc. in order to gauge availability from others who may be interested but not yet involved.



David Dahl

Director, Consortial Library Applications Support
University of Maryland
Digital Systems & Stewardship
McKeldin Library, Room B0242
7649 Library Ln., College Park, MD 20742-7011