Hello, Consortia SIG members.


Harry is traveling again this week, and he asked if I could facilitate the Consortia SIG meeting on Friday, May 26, so that we don’t miss yet another meeting.


I missed the last meeting, but he said to pick one of the 7 topics to start diving more deeply on v1 requirements.


Given that the Circulation group is making some headway on loan policies and that one of the primary themes which brings everyone together is resource sharing, I thought we could tackle Resource Access & Patron-Initiated borrowing.


Resource Access & patron-initiated borrowing


Here is a link to the v1 spreadsheet priorities https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw-o65fb9EKTRTh2UXJ6VlpRTW8



Looking forward to chat with you all Friday!


Christopher Holly | EBSCO Information Services

Director Software as a Service Innovation

