SIG members,
As David emailed earlier I'd like to take tomorrow's meeting to talk about the outstanding Consortia JIRAs. A few PO's have reached out regarding Consortia requirements for various JIRAs and it would be good to provide better answers than are contained in those (often confusing) tickets. While we had hoped to table those until we had completed Cross tenant, unmediated requesting, it appears that now is a good time to start organizing the JIRA's. Before doing that I propose that we take a few minutes to establish a framework for developing and implementing Consortia requirements within the FOLIO community. From there, I think, the task of organizing and clarifying existing and potential Consortia-related JIRAs will be more straightforward. I hope, at this meeting to get some general guidance, so that I can present a general framework to the POs at their 11:00 meeting - an hour after this meeting ends.
As it is, we've already taken the first step toward organizing existing JIRAs by differentiating single tenant vs cross tenant functionality. We've also begun distinguishing between "Central Office" functions and those performed jointly between consortia tenant. For instance cross tenant unmediated requesting is generally a library to library function. On the other hand, something like patron uploads, could be performed by a Central office.
What we have not directly addressed, is how to develop Consortia stories that interact with existing FOLIO functionality. This I believe, is the next step. As we've noticed with unmediated cross-tenant requesting, a great deal of what we have specified overlaps with what FOLIO already does. Identifying and familiarizing ourselves with that functionality (perhaps with input from the FOLIO SIG and PO) seems to be a good next step. Following that we could develop the Consortia features, and then collaborate with the FOLIO SIG and PO to complete the specification.
What are your thoughts on the following proposal:
Proposed Consortia function development framework
- Determine whether or not the function is cross tenant, or single tenant
- Determine whether the function is performed by the Central Office or jointly among libraries
- Identify and become familiar with related, existing FOLIO functionality
- Draft specification
- Collaborate with functional PO for completion of specification.
Attached is a spreadsheet with the existing Consortia JIRAs. Perhaps a way to test and improve the framework would be to review these Epics? Or maybe, for now, we just want to indicate whether or not the epic is valid, and or a Central office, or joint library function?
Anyway - we'll go over all this tomorrow, I just wanted everyone to have a heads up and time to think about this and discuss issues beforehand if you want to.
Looking forward to a lively meeting!
Kelly Drake
Project Manager